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The logo of Fysioterapia-alan Näkövammaiset.
The logo of Fysioterapia-alan Näkövammaiset.

The As­so­ci­a­tion of Visually Impaired Masseurs and Phys­io­ther­a­pists

We are an organisation for the visually impaired rehabilitation professionals in Finland. Our members are visually impaired health care professionals, who work as masseurs, rehabilitation assistants or physiotherapists.

manuaalisen terapian menetlemiä: hieronta, imukuppihieronta ja kalvokäsittely

Our association provides various services for our members. We inter alia organize updating education and modify materials and articles so they are accessible for our members. We share information about our organization and profession in our membership magazine and social media.

Fanin logo, keltainen risti sinisessä ympyrässä, keskellä teksti FAN

We provide services mainly in Finnish, but please don’t hesitate to contact us and ask for more information. Our office is located in Iiris Centre, Helsinki (Itäkeskus district). Email: toimisto[at]